The Air He Breathes [one family’s story of PWS]

The Air He Breathes #pws #prader_willi #starving #confetti&confessions #Prader-willi

The Air He Breathes

March 19, 2015 by

It’s his very own.

It’s not like yours and mine.

He thinks about it. ALL the time.

Our air gives us life and breath and oxygen and growth.

To the Mean Stranger Who Judged My Parenting Skills

To the Mean Stranger Who Judged My Parenting Abilities, Thank You

Heather Connor #mom #spec_needs #child #parents

We were exhausted — tired and emotionally raw.

Our little boy was finally stable and home from the hospital. He was in so much pain; I was actually surprised and relieved he’d finally fallen asleep. He was almost 2 years old and had given us quite the scare.

Special Needs Kids : Looking Beyond The

Special Needs Kids : Looking Beyond The Deficits | Taking The Diss Out Of Disabled #spec_needs #sped #disabled

Special Needs, how can this word be defined? On one hand, it is perceived as deficiencies. The focus is on what the child cannot do. This broad term can be indicative of emotional, physical, cognitive and sensory issues. These challenges may present themselves individually. Individuals can present with co-morbid (more than one) challenges and very frequently do.


Siblings Of Special Needs Children Have Special Needs Too


As I ponder my experiences with siblings of children with special needs both in my professional experience and within my own family, I am compelled to convey the different family dynamics that are resultant.

Empowering the Child with Special Needs

Empowering Children With Special Needs:

As the parent of two children who grew up with learning disabilities, motor skill delays, processing challenges, health issues and more, I know first hand how difficult it is two empower our children. On many occasions, I had the urge to give in to all of their demands and requests, perform all tasks for them and climb metaphorical mountains rather than witness tears in my children’s eyes, frustration and meltdowns. After all, every parent wants their child to be happy and carefree.

6 Tips For Closed Captioning eLearning C

6 Tips For Closed Captioning eLearning Courses – eLearning Industry

By Christopher Pappas Tuesday

6 January 2015

6 Tips For Closed Captioning eLearning Courses

Adding closed captioning to your eLearning course may be a good investment of both time and resources, but it also enables you to bring all of the benefits your eLearning courses offer to the deaf and/or hard of hearing learners. In this post I’ll share some tips on how to add closed captioning to your eLearning courses.

8 special education communication apps |

8 special education communication apps | eSchool News | eSchool News #spec_ed #communication #apps #ipad #education


8 special education communication apps

8 special education communication apps

These apps are intended to help special-needs students build communication skills

special-communicationTechnology facilitates faster and easier communication for everyone, and it plays a unique role in helping students with special needs develop important verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

Dear Parent: About THAT kid… « Miss Nigh

Dear Parent: About THAT kid… « Miss Night’s Marbles #teacher #special_ed #support #education #classroom #student

Dear Parent: About THAT kid…

ON 10 NOVEMBER, 2014

Dear Parent:

I know. You’re worried. Every day, your child comes home with a story about THAT kid. The one who is always hitting shoving pinching scratching maybe even biting other children. The one who always has to hold my hand in the hallway. The one who has a special spot at the carpet, and sometimes sits on a chair rather than the floor. The one who had to leave the block centre because blocks are not for throwing……

How can students with learning disabilit

How can students with learning disabilities make a successful transition to post-secondary education? | LDAO

How can students with learning disabilities make a successful transition to post-secondary education? It’s as easy as A-R-C.

How can students with learning disabilities make a successful transition to post-secondary education? It’s as easy as A-R-C.

by Dr. Allyson G. Harrison and Dr. Alana Holmes
of: Assessment Resource Centres of Ontario (A.R.C.)

One of the biggest identified barriers to the success of students with learning disabilities at the post-secondary level is inadequate or incomplete documentation of their disability (Bell, 2002; LOTF, 2002). This creates a problem as more and more students identified as having such disabilities are now enrolling in college and university. Indeed, there are presently more than 13,000 students in Ontario’s colleges and universities who have diagnosed learning disabilities (LD). These students are capable of being successful…if they have the supports and services they require to level the playing field and demonstrate what they know. In order to access these existing supports, however, they require an updated and comprehensive* Psychoeducational assessment……


Feds Warn Schools On Bullying Of Kids Wi

Feds Warn Schools On Bullying Of Kids With Disabilities – Disability Scoop #bullying #disability #law #education #pws

Feds Warn Schools On Bullying Of Kids With Disabilities


October 21, 2014

The Education Department's Office for Civil Rights is encouraging states and school districts to revisit their policies and procedures for handling bullying of students with disabilities in light of new federal guidance on the topic. (Thinkstock)

The Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights is encouraging states and school districts to revisit their policies and procedures for handling bullying of students with disabilities in light of new federal guidance on the topic. (Thinkstock)

In response to an increasing number of complaints, federal officials are reminding the nation’s schools of their responsibilities to ensure that students with disabilities are not subjected to bullying….