How can students with learning disabilit

How can students with learning disabilities make a successful transition to post-secondary education? | LDAO

How can students with learning disabilities make a successful transition to post-secondary education? It’s as easy as A-R-C.

How can students with learning disabilities make a successful transition to post-secondary education? It’s as easy as A-R-C.

by Dr. Allyson G. Harrison and Dr. Alana Holmes
of: Assessment Resource Centres of Ontario (A.R.C.)

One of the biggest identified barriers to the success of students with learning disabilities at the post-secondary level is inadequate or incomplete documentation of their disability (Bell, 2002; LOTF, 2002). This creates a problem as more and more students identified as having such disabilities are now enrolling in college and university. Indeed, there are presently more than 13,000 students in Ontario’s colleges and universities who have diagnosed learning disabilities (LD). These students are capable of being successful…if they have the supports and services they require to level the playing field and demonstrate what they know. In order to access these existing supports, however, they require an updated and comprehensive* Psychoeducational assessment……