A mom wrote a letter to the NYC Ballet about her daughter’s disability. They responded gracefully.

A mom wrote a letter to the NYC Ballet about her daughter’s disability. They responded gracefully.
By Adam Mordecai

A mom writes a letter and gets a very happy and surprising response.

Sourced through Scoop.it from: www.upworthy.com

See on Scoop.itA Special Life

Music In Motion by Shelley Blum – GoFund

Music In Motion by Shelley Blum – GoFundMe http://ow.ly/AJrGo #music #musicinmotion #specialneeds #musictherapy #dance


I am currently trying to raise funds to help me gain my Non Profit status for my program Music In Motion. My goal is to bring HOPE through Music and the Arts to those whom I call Angel. My Angels are all differently abled. I hope to gain more support for this program once I reach this status. I want to open up the doors of opportunity and enable them to explore the possiblities open to them in the world of music and the arts. For the past six and a half years I have seen the amazing impact that music has made in their lives. I have watched them grow in confidence and abilities. I have watched them rise from their wheelchairs and dance. I have watched and listened as they sang every word of a song. It humbles me to see the joy that music and dance brings to their lives and I want to bring more. Please won’t you help me make a difference in the lives of those whom have touched my life so deeply. Those who rarely get the opportunity to share their gifts and their abilities. I would be so grateful for any support you could offer at this time. Thank you so much. Please check out all my updates . The photos will help you understand my Mission. 🙂

From the woman who founded Music in Motion in Warrensburg, MO:

This was written by a wonderful individual who spends most of her spare time helping the special members of our community. She has been trying for years to get her project “Music in Motion” going as a non-profit, and she has run into a few stumbling blocks along the way. I liked what she wrote, not just because it’s a good cause, but because it’s a great example of how even the best of us, the most patient of individuals (which she most definitely is) can get frustrated. She speaks from her heart, she acknowledges there is good happening, but her deep, deep desire to help all who need it sometimes lead her speak out…. and I thought it was worth sharing.

If you are interested in helping her out, please visit her page at Music in Motion.

From Shelley Blum:

I could talk all day about my Angels, and how much I want to do for them, and how hard I am trying to make things happen, and how difficult it is to get anyone to listen.

I could talk all day about how much music impacts their lives, and how it makes them feel whole and fills their heart with HOPE, and still I am not sure who listens or who cares.

It breaks my heart to know that so few people acknowledge the needs for those who are differently abled. So few want to get involved. So many assume that because they are different, they do not have the ability to do the things that others do. It breaks my heart to know that some people do not care enough to want to become involved in programs that can bring positive change to those who have been excluded from so much in life.

Please all you Musicians out there …anyone and everyone who is in a position to make a difference in the work, force, in music, or in sports. GIVE THEM A CHANCE.

I am not saying that there are not good programs out there; I know several great programs and great people in the Kansas City area…. Jerry Rockhold who started the Miracle League of Kansas City and the Childrens Charities of Kansas City. Matthew FloHawke Hawkins who is doing an Adaptive Sports Clinic in Kansas City in the Fall. These are all wonderful programs by wonderful people, but I want to see more Music programs – more involvement – from the Music Industry.

I have been trying to make things happen for my Angels for six and a half years. There have been promises made but nothing has ever been followed through. I am doing all I can to make things happen for them to create activities and programs for them, but I need the support of those in the music industry. Those who believe in this program, and those who want to get involved and be a part of something beautiful. There is untouched talent out there. Talent that has not been given the chance to blossom.

Just had to speak what was on my heart. Thank you for listening. My intent was not to upset anyone just to share what I feel so strongly about. Thank you. 


Music In Motion

Music In Motion.

Created by Shelley Blum, Music in Motion is a fantastic opportunity for special needs individuals to get out, make friends, and even get a little exercise through dance. You can even help by contributing to her GoFundMe!! So many wonderful individuals would benefit from your generosity!

About the program: MIM enables those who are differently abled to engage in a musical environment. It enriches their lives by providing social growth and healing.

Description: The goals for this program are to increase awareness of the needs of a social outlet through music and the arts and providing a platform for the the voice of the special needs community. It is also to bring awareness to the world the value they can bring to their community.