People always Ask Me What’s “Wrong” with My Child?

From Good Housekeeping

The woman in the hardware store sauntered by our cart, stopped, and leaned in toward me. “Can I ask,” she said, “what’s wrong with your baby?”

Fantastic short article about Prader-Wil

5 Facts About The Disorder That Makes Kids Want Food 24/7

Prader-Willi syndrome is a spectrum disorder that requires more than a locked fridge

Fantastic short article about Prader-Willi Syndrome. #pws #prader_willi #praderwilli

Special Needs Kids : Looking Beyond The

Special Needs Kids : Looking Beyond The Deficits | Taking The Diss Out Of Disabled #spec_needs #sped #disabled

Special Needs, how can this word be defined? On one hand, it is perceived as deficiencies. The focus is on what the child cannot do. This broad term can be indicative of emotional, physical, cognitive and sensory issues. These challenges may present themselves individually. Individuals can present with co-morbid (more than one) challenges and very frequently do.


Genome-wide survey of DNA methylation in

Genome-wide survey of DNA methylation in PWS Foundation for Prader-Willi Research #research #pws #genetic #methylatio

In the present research study, we hypothesized that the abnormality in PWSCR may produce cascading effects on DNA methylation in other regions of genome. Because DNA methylation can turn on or off expression of genes, we aim to find regions related to the changes in DNA methylation. We will examine the DNA methylation profile in 16 individuals with PWS along with their siblings without PWS (total 32 individuals). We anticipate the results from this study will help find the downstream changes mediated by the abnormality of PWSCR and ultimately lead to the novel targets for treatment.

Prader-Willi Syndrome: major breakthrough in understanding the parental imprinting disorder

See on Scoop.itA Special Life

Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have reported a major breakthrough in understanding the molecular basis for Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), perhaps the most studied among the class…

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