Empowering the Child with Special Needs

Empowering Children With Special Needs:

As the parent of two children who grew up with learning disabilities, motor skill delays, processing challenges, health issues and more, I know first hand how difficult it is two empower our children. On many occasions, I had the urge to give in to all of their demands and requests, perform all tasks for them and climb metaphorical mountains rather than witness tears in my children’s eyes, frustration and meltdowns. After all, every parent wants their child to be happy and carefree.


Dear Parent: About THAT kid… « Miss Nigh

Dear Parent: About THAT kid… « Miss Night’s Marbles http://ow.ly/EajHp #teacher #special_ed #support #education #classroom #student

Dear Parent: About THAT kid…

ON 10 NOVEMBER, 2014

Dear Parent:

I know. You’re worried. Every day, your child comes home with a story about THAT kid. The one who is always hitting shoving pinching scratching maybe even biting other children. The one who always has to hold my hand in the hallway. The one who has a special spot at the carpet, and sometimes sits on a chair rather than the floor. The one who had to leave the block centre because blocks are not for throwing……

Jim Parsons Says Sheldon Cooper Doesn’t Have Asperger’s: Likes ‘The Way It’s Handled

Jim Parsons Says Sheldon Cooper Doesn’t Have Asperger’s: Likes ‘The Way It’s Handled’ http://ow.ly/B5iap #bigbang #aspergers #sheldon

Jim Parsons spoke with Adweek recently and addressed an issue that’s long been associated with his Big Bang Theory character Sheldon Cooper: Asperger’s. In an interview published Monday, Parsons responded to interviewer Sam Thielman’s assertion that Parsons is now “the spokesman for Asperger’s.” Parsons’ response was explanatory about the character’s origins:

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/1449287/jim-parsons-says-sheldon-cooper-doesnt-have-aspergers-likes-the-way-its-handled/#eVuGTMwwLOP7orv6.99


To the Typical Siblings | Ellen Stumbo h

To the Typical Siblings | Ellen Stumbo http://ow.ly/AHW6K #sibling #disability #family #specialneeds #specialbrother #specialsister


Dear typical sibling of a brother or sister with a disability,

Today I want to speak to you as a parent. Perhaps not your parent, but a parent nonetheless.

I know you’ve had to sacrifice so much, and I wish you hadn’t. For the many times you’ve thought it wasn’t fair, we’ve felt it too. And if you’ve had to miss out on life experiences, please know that we wish we could offer you the world….


10 Things The World Can Learn From Peopl

10 Things The World Can Learn From People With Disabilities | Tiffiny Carlson http://ow.ly/Av7Ii #disability #life #ability #living

By: Tiffany Carlson

Posted: 01/10/2014 3:39 pm EST Updated: 03/12/2014 5:59 am EDT

No matter the type of person, there are lessons to be learned from them. People with disabilities are especially influential, as our hardships in life aren’t easily forgotten. We go through every day with determination and strength, which many people are bowled over by, with many secretly wondering if they could do the same thing….

Young Barra volunteer receives Prime Min

Young Barra volunteer receives Prime Minister award – Stornoway Gazette

A 17-year-old Barra girl with Down’s Syndrome who has dedicated over 800 hours to volunteering has become the winner of a new award, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced. 


#downs_Syndrome #downs #Primeministeraward

Hopeful Parents: No More Secrets http://

Hopeful Parents: No More Secrets http://ow.ly/zF8Xd #pws #praderwilli #aware #school #specialneeds #meltdown #autism #teachers #SpecED

No More Secrets

Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.
Andre Malraut

I guess you could say, it is the dirty, little secrets we hide behind closed doors that make us all human. We believe that if we hide our perceived imperfections and create a more perfect version of ourselves, we will be accepted by others. We can protect our fragile hearts from the excruciating pain of judgment, humiliation and societal scorn…

When Compassion Collides

That breaking moment. With the ugly crying.  In front of your children. I was sitting at the computer trying to complete some work tasks in order to get to Family Movie Time.  The kids were sitting…

Source: jessicapatay.com