People always Ask Me What’s “Wrong” with My Child?

From Good Housekeeping

The woman in the hardware store sauntered by our cart, stopped, and leaned in toward me. “Can I ask,” she said, “what’s wrong with your baby?”

Fantastic short article about Prader-Wil

5 Facts About The Disorder That Makes Kids Want Food 24/7

Prader-Willi syndrome is a spectrum disorder that requires more than a locked fridge

Fantastic short article about Prader-Willi Syndrome. #pws #prader_willi #praderwilli

Hiring program opens more doors to peopl



Unique Microsoft hiring program opens more doors to people with autism

Kyle Schwaneke’s bank account was approaching empty.

He’d been unemployed for a year and a half, since the indie game studio he’d been working for shut its doors. His parents, looking for ways to help while he job hunted, had paid the remainder of his apartment lease, but he’d reached the end of that, too.

Hiring program opens more doors to people with autism

I remember the visit I had from the midwife

I remember the visit I had from the midwife the day after we brought our son Alexis home from the hospital as clearly as anything. He was 4 days old and our first child. We had known for most of the pregnancy that he had a 50 percent chance of having Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), but we decided to continue without invasive genetic testing, knowing how desperately we wanted our baby boy regardless. He was born prematurely at 35 weeks, a tiny 4 pounds, 9 ounces, but perfect nonetheless.

Dear Newly Inducted Special Needs Parent

Dear Newly Inducted Special Needs Parent

by Lola Lolita (of Scary Mommy Blog)


I see you.

And I don’t mean I physically see you (though I do). I mean I see inside you—I see the storm that’s tearing your soul apart, bit by unimaginable bit.

I can see you because I am you. Not now you, of course, but rather future you. And I’m here to say, I understand.

This aspect of autism is all too real for some families

This aspect of autism is all too real for some families – but Joey’s parents handle it like pros. | The Autism Site Blog

Autism has its ups and, unfortunately, its downs. However, families living with autism have learned how to deal with the challenges that come with autism in a productive, calm, and safe way. Discovery Health gets a look into Joey’s life as his mother (Carol) and father handle one of Joey’s outbursts.


To the Mean Stranger Who Judged My Parenting Skills

To the Mean Stranger Who Judged My Parenting Abilities, Thank You

Heather Connor #mom #spec_needs #child #parents

We were exhausted — tired and emotionally raw.

Our little boy was finally stable and home from the hospital. He was in so much pain; I was actually surprised and relieved he’d finally fallen asleep. He was almost 2 years old and had given us quite the scare.