Dear Newly Inducted Special Needs Parent

Dear Newly Inducted Special Needs Parent

by Lola Lolita (of Scary Mommy Blog)


I see you.

And I don’t mean I physically see you (though I do). I mean I see inside you—I see the storm that’s tearing your soul apart, bit by unimaginable bit.

I can see you because I am you. Not now you, of course, but rather future you. And I’m here to say, I understand.

30 iPad apps for Special needs!!

 A Handy Chart Featuring Over 30 Apps for Students with Special Needs

January 19, 2016
Today we spent sometime going through our archive looking for special needs apps we have shared here in the past and ended up with the chart below. These are apps we would recommend for teachers and parents of kids with learning disabilities. We have arranged the apps into four main categories: apps for dyslexic learners, apps for autistic learners, apps for the visually impaired and apps for learners with writing difficulties.  For those of you using Android a similar list will soon be posted. Stay tuned.

What I’m learning from my son’s eating disorder

I had one hour with my anorexic son at his treatment center. Would I be able to get through to him or even find a glimmer of hope?

Sourced through from:

See on Scoop.itA Special Life

Flipped learning is changing the face of special ed | eSchool News | eSchool News




Flipped learning and one-to-one are a powerful combo for some populations


Sourced through from: www.eschoolnews.comhttp://www.eschoolnewsom/2015/06/29/flipped-special-ed-61.c8/

See on Scoop.itA Special Life

Ella: “Almost Autism” – Epidemic Answe

Ella: “Almost Autism” – Epidemic Answers #autism #EPIES #gut_dysbiosis

Something Was Wrong

I knew something wasn’t quite right shortly after giving birth to my daughter Ella. Nursing was difficult. When she started ”waking up” after those early weeks there was no “peace” about her. She wriggled and writhed and arched, and she hardly slept.

This aspect of autism is all too real for some families

This aspect of autism is all too real for some families – but Joey’s parents handle it like pros. | The Autism Site Blog

Autism has its ups and, unfortunately, its downs. However, families living with autism have learned how to deal with the challenges that come with autism in a productive, calm, and safe way. Discovery Health gets a look into Joey’s life as his mother (Carol) and father handle one of Joey’s outbursts.


To the Mean Stranger Who Judged My Parenting Skills

To the Mean Stranger Who Judged My Parenting Abilities, Thank You

Heather Connor #mom #spec_needs #child #parents

We were exhausted — tired and emotionally raw.

Our little boy was finally stable and home from the hospital. He was in so much pain; I was actually surprised and relieved he’d finally fallen asleep. He was almost 2 years old and had given us quite the scare.