Hiring program opens more doors to peopl



Unique Microsoft hiring program opens more doors to people with autism

Kyle Schwaneke’s bank account was approaching empty.

He’d been unemployed for a year and a half, since the indie game studio he’d been working for shut its doors. His parents, looking for ways to help while he job hunted, had paid the remainder of his apartment lease, but he’d reached the end of that, too.

Hiring program opens more doors to people with autism http://ow.ly/YtWgF

16 People With Autism Describe Why Eye Contact can be difficult

16 People With Autism Describe Why Eye Contact Can Be Difficult http://ow.ly/YmM1E

For some people on the autism spectrum, making eye contact can be a stressful, distracting and sensory-taxing experience. Far too often, though, outsiders view avoiding eye contact as “rude” or “antisocial,” when this isn’t the case at all.

I Have Autism. Here Are the 5 Things I Want Parents to Know.

I Have Autism. Here Are the 5 Things I Want Parents to Know.


(Photo: Alex Lowery)

I was diagnosed with classic autism when I was 4. I found the word a terrifying place. In some ways, it’s still a frightening place for me. But I have reached a point where I am a professional public speaker on autism.

Dear Newly Inducted Special Needs Parent

Dear Newly Inducted Special Needs Parent

by Lola Lolita (of Scary Mommy Blog)


I see you.

And I don’t mean I physically see you (though I do). I mean I see inside you—I see the storm that’s tearing your soul apart, bit by unimaginable bit.

I can see you because I am you. Not now you, of course, but rather future you. And I’m here to say, I understand.

Child with autism improves with antibiotic

Child with autism improves with antibiotic; prompts new investigations into autism http://ow.ly/KJZyO #autism #antibiotic #spectrum #asd

John Rodakis, the parent of a child with autism was not looking to launch an international investigation into the microbiome (the collection of microorganisms that live on and in us) and autism, but, as he describes in his newly published article in the scientific journal Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, when his young son’s autism unexpectedly and dramatically improved while taking an antibiotic for strep throat, he began a quest to understand why.

To the Mean Stranger Who Judged My Parenting Skills

To the Mean Stranger Who Judged My Parenting Abilities, Thank You

Heather Connor

http://ow.ly/Ky7sE #mom #spec_needs #child #parents

We were exhausted — tired and emotionally raw.

Our little boy was finally stable and home from the hospital. He was in so much pain; I was actually surprised and relieved he’d finally fallen asleep. He was almost 2 years old and had given us quite the scare.

Autism: Decoding Emotions Through Glass

Autism: Decoding Emotions Through Glass – Explorers Community autism #googleglass #google+ #asd #emotions #aspergers

Autism: Decoding Emotions Through Glass

by Glass Team Google Glass on ‎09-24-2014 01:07 PM – last edited on ‎09-24-2014 06:51 PM by Glass Guide Kisha L

Ned Sahin is a neuroscientist and technologist with advanced degrees from MIT and Harvard, and an entrepreneurial background. His latest venture, Brain Power, is working on software and hardware to transform Google Glass into a tool to help children and families quantify and manage the challenges and features of autism.