3 ways technology buoys at-risk students

3 ways technology buoys at-risk students | eSchool News | eSchool News http://ow.ly/CFHkp #classroom #teaching #id #inst_design #at_risk

3 ways technology buoys at-risk students

By Laura Devaney, Managing Editor,

Educational technology can greatly improve outcomes for at-risk students if implemented correctly

A New Obstacle for Students With Disabil

A New Obstacle for Students With Disabilities – The Chronicle of Higher Education http://ow.ly/BOHxw #ACE #TEACH #edtech #speced #Sec931


A New Obstacle for Students With Disabilities

By Kyle Shachmut

It is well documented that students with disabilities are facing barriers in their pursuit of higher education, and institutions are having a difficult time fulfilling their legal obligation to ensure equal access. So it was surprising last month when the American Council on Education, in a letter to Sen. Tom Harkin about the proposed reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, completely dismissed a provision that would make it easier for its member institutions to meet the needs of students with disabilities.

– See more at: http://m.chronicle.com/article/A-New-Obstacle-for-Students/148795/#sthash.TQnCJ8V4.dpuf

Virtual Ability – a Blog for Disability Community & Support in Virtual Worlds

Virtual Ability  – Check out this very interesting Blog… They’re having a virtual conference in Second Life – information is posted below.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


You’re invited to the Oct. 3-4, 2014 International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference (IDRAC), sponsored by Virtual Ability®,Inc. This international conference will be held in Second Life®.

The theme for 2014 is “Technically, we’re accessible… right?” Exploring True Inclusion in the Digital World.

Join colleagues, friends, and community members for presentations on web accessibility, advances in assistive technology, creating an accessible user experience, accessible gaming, emerging standards for technology, and more! Presenters from Spain, U.K., U.S., and Australia will join us at The Sojourner Auditorium on Virtual Ability Island within Second Life.
Why don’t you join us, too?

Questions? Contact sister@virtualability.org or Sister Abeyante

Keep your eyes on Virtual Ability’s blog for more information!


Posted by Alex Alger No comment

Kids With Autism See Big Gains With Tablets

Kids With Autism See Big Gains With Tablets – Disability Scoop http://ow.ly/Bqpz9 #autism #apps #ipad #edtech #spectrum #ADS #communcate


By Text Size  A  A

… A new study finds that using tablet devices during therapy can help children with autism make greater strides in communication. (John Flavell/Lexington Herald-Leader/MCT)

Even with intervention, many children with autism continue to struggle with communication, but new research suggests that using iPads and other tablets can help maximize language skills.

Do Not Sign Your IEP! http://ow.ly/BnwJa

Do Not Sign Your IEP! http://ow.ly/BnwJa #IEP #school #adminstration #SpEd #Education

Do Not Sign Your IEP!

by Kimberly Kaplan

You do not have to sign your IEP immediately at the end of the IEP meeting!


IEP meetings are exhausting. They can last as long as three hours, or longer! I have heard of ones that lasted six hours. I’m sure there are ones that have lasted even longer than that and have covered more than one day.

Evergreen Schools Case Study: How Online

Evergreen Schools Case Study: How Online Learning Serves a Diverse Student Population – via @eschoolnews http://ow.ly/BipgV #edtech

Evergreen Schools Case Study: How Online Learning Serves a Diverse Student Population

Evergreen Public Schools in Vancouver, WA, serves more than 26,000 students and is one of the fastest-growing school districts in the state.  They decided the cost-effective way to serving their growing population’s education needs was through implementing multiple online and blended learning programs. This video explains their story…..

Carrie Writes: Technology always deliver next, best thing for special education

Carrie Writes: Technology always delivers next, best thing for special education | masslive.com http://ow.ly/BnvT8 #SpEd #apps

By Carrie Barrepski
on September 10, 2014 at 9:08 AM, updated September 10, 2014 at 9:10 AM
Over the years, technology has played a big part in special education.

A few examples are audio books and assistive listening devices such as FM or infrared systems.


Today, the technology trend is going toward the use of iPads and laptops in the classroom, where teachers are using these devices to help with the educational process to develop the student’s mind. Families are reporting that their disabled child’s quality of life has greatly improved, such as in the areas of communication and problem solving….

Researchers to Develop Virtual Center for Learning Disabilities

Researchers to Develop Virtual Center for Learning Disabilities | University of California, Merced http://ow.ly/B5hKc #VR #learning

UC Merced researchers will develop a virtual center to support parents and caregivers, as well as health and other professionals in detecting and treating Merced County children with developmental disorders, work made possible by a grant from First 5 Merced County.

Student with Down Syndrome Begins College

Student with Down Syndrome Begins College Career | Tuesday Talk With Alex http://ow.ly/AKkwr #downsyndrome #downs #college #holcomb

 It is now time for Holcombe’s dream to become a reality! He moved in to his dorm recently and CBS News was there to capture the excitement. Holcombe is enrolled in Clemson LIFE, a two-year program for students with intellectual disabilities. Programs like this one are becoming more popular on college campuses around the country.

How EdTech Is Meeting Special Needs – Va

How EdTech Is Meeting Special Needs – Vander Ark on Innovation – Education Week http://ow.ly/Azi4b

How EdTech Is Meeting Special Needs

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At their summer meeting, Florida special education directors identified a dozen blended-learning components they are excited about: