People always Ask Me What’s “Wrong” with My Child?

From Good Housekeeping

The woman in the hardware store sauntered by our cart, stopped, and leaned in toward me. “Can I ask,” she said, “what’s wrong with your baby?”

Video Shows Sensory Overload From the Perspective of a Boy on the Autism Spectrum

Editor’s note: The video in this article shows flashing lights, bright colors and loud, sudden noises, which some readers may find triggering.

Alexander Marshall, 10, of West Yorkshire, England, is the star of The National Autistic Society’s new Too Much Information campaign, and he’s featured in a short video that shows what sensory overload can be like.

Fantastic short article about Prader-Wil

5 Facts About The Disorder That Makes Kids Want Food 24/7

Prader-Willi syndrome is a spectrum disorder that requires more than a locked fridge

Fantastic short article about Prader-Willi Syndrome. #pws #prader_willi #praderwilli

Tommy Hilfiger Launches Adaptive Collection for Children With Disabilities

Tommy Hilfiger Launches Adaptive Collection for Children With Disabilities


Now, children of all abilities can wear Tommy Hilfiger clothing.
A nonprofit organization called Runway of Dreams worked with the brand to launch an adaptive version of select styles from its children’s line, which will be on sale startingTuesday.
Two children, one with a limb difference, wearing adaptable clothing

#hilfiger #fashion #special_needs #pws